Avatar and Tracker

Hey y’all!  If you don’t know what an avatar, tracker or both of them are then you’re in luck.

avatar- an icon or figure representing a particular person in video games, Internet forums, etc.

tracker- a device that follows and records the movements of someone or something.

Now that you know what an avatar and tracker here are what mine look like.


My avatar looks a lot like me! I have brown hair                                                                      eyebrows and eyes. ”My style” is short-sleeve and jeans,                                                  and almost everyday I have an accessory, and it is usually                                                   a necklace. And I picked A stripped background                                                                   because that is my favorite pattern!  Here is where you can make a face your manga avatar.


Currently my tracker                                                                                                                       is a picture of the U.S.A,                                                                                                                 and every time someone starts to follow me a little bubble pops up on the map where you are. Eventually I would like to add another that is a spherical figure of the world and roatates. This shows me ”followers” from other countries or/and continents. here is the link for the tracker I use, clustrmaps.

Thank you for listening and be sure to check out those websites!!

– AR#3